Community-Scale Solar

What is Community Solar?

Community solar projects are typically built on small- to medium-sized parcels of land, up to 50 acres.

Using a subscription model, community solar provides homeowners, renters, and businesses equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the physical attributes or ownership of their home or business.

Community solar expands access to solar energy to everyone, while building a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid.

How Does it Work?

Community solar allows residents, small businesses, organizations, municipalities, and others to receive credit on their electricity bills for the power produced from their portion of a solar array, offsetting their electricity costs.

This is accomplished through a model where residents and businesses can subscribe to a community solar project. As a landowner, you can enjoy knowing that your land is helping to power your local community.

Arcadia, one of the national leaders in community solar, is our subscriber partner at Farmers Powering Communities.

Build a legacy that lives on

Farmers Powering Communities helps farmers, ranchers, and landowners honor their lifelong commitment to land stewardship. We know that your land is your legacy. Partner with FPC to see your vision come to life. For your family. For your community. For the planet.

Solar panels at Burroughs Family Farms in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Learn more Meet the Burroughs Family on

Benefits of Hosting a Community Solar Project on Your Land

  • Revenue Generation

    Siting a community solar project on your land can generate consistent income for a landowner over a term of 20-30 years.

  • Leave a Legacy

    Community solar projects can provide an opportunity for farmers and ranchers to keep their land in the family and chart a sustainable future for the next generation.

  • Clean Energy Transition

    Community solar projects generate clean, renewable energy, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Boost the Local Economy

    Community solar projects can create local jobs and stimulate the local economy by providing additional tax revenue to towns and counties.


Take the Leap